Delivery Method
You can choose one of the delivery method below
FREE DELIVERY To Whole Malaysia
confirmed, goods will be deliver to your doorstep within 1-3
working days.
**Coverage area: Whole Malaysia
**Customer can self collect at Gdex Branch and pay at the counter.
**Coverage area: selected area ( whole Malaysia got 155 branch)
**Gdex branch don't have ready stock, customer need order from
us, we will send stock to the nearest branch, can collect goods on the next working days.
** 顾客可自行到Gdex分行取货,取货后才付款。
** 涵盖地区:特地地区(全马共有155取货分行)
** Gdex分行没有现货,顾客须向我们订购,我们把货寄去你
**Worker will send goods to your doorstep and you to the worker
when you receive goods.
when you receive goods.
**Coverage area: selected area
** 送货工人会把货送到你府上,你收到货后才付款给工人。
** 涵盖地区:西马特地地区